Meditation & Mindfulness

Meditation practice isn’t about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better. It’s about befriending who we already are.                    ~Pema Chodron

Why meditate?

We receive myriad benefits when we practice meditation and mindfulness. It reduces our stress and anxiety; it improves our sleep and memory; the list goes on.  Meditators have known about these benefits for millennia, and now there’s science to back it up.  Researchers at Harvard University found that after an 8-week mindfulness meditation program, participants showed measurable changes in the structure of their brains. These changes were found in the areas responsible for learning and memory, and also for self-awareness, compassion, and introspection.  In addition, participants reported reduced levels of stress and anxiety, which was reflected by changes to that area of the brain as well. You can read more about this fascinating study here.

Meditation gives us an opportunity to reconnect with ourselves.  It returns us home when we’ve gotten lost in the busyness of daily life. It helps us navigate the constant stream of thoughts that carry us into the past and the future with regret and worry. Meditation offers us a chance to pay attention to ourselves, and to listen with compassion to the wisdom within.

Whether you’re a longtime meditator or just beginning to explore the practice, I’m here to help you on your journey.  Visit my blog page to join my mailing list and you’ll receive a free meditation download to get you started.  I also invite you to download the free meditation app Insight Timer, where you can access additional meditations from me as well as hundreds of other teachers.

I weave meditation and mindfulness into every class I teach. Please join me on the mat for my weekly online classes and series, and enjoy this Lovingkindness Meditation video:

A Metta (Lovingkindness) meditation to cultivate kindness and compassion within and share it with the world around us.